1·Safety and economy efficiency of Nuclear Power Plant is always concerned by people.
2·We succeeded researching the first chain-orbit pill dual-face and dual color printer, and also got high social and economy efficiency.
3·The paper focuses on the diversity of Financial Conglomerates, and tries to find the key factors through which to incarnate economy efficiency.
4·Financial efficiency is one of the branches of economy efficiency, and financial supervision efficiency is an important component of the branch in the macro layer.
5·Many researches and applications which are related to the on-line calculation of boiler efficiency and economy efficiency analysis based on computer technology have turned up.
6·The research of this paper is of great importance and practical significance to grasp the function performance of units and to improve the running economy efficiency of boiler.
7·An Agricultural expert System (AES), simulating expert thinking and solving difficult problems dependent on expertise, has been applied extensively and yielded high economy efficiency.
8·Because by increasing women's participation in the economy and enhancing their efficiency and productivity, we can bring about a dramatic impact on the competitiveness and growth of our economies.
9·There can be no economy where there is no efficiency.
10·The center will focus on four priority activities starting with the letter E: ecology, ergonomics, efficiency and economy.